To Fix or Not To Fix (Tire Repair)
July 28, 2024
You know that sinking feeling when you realize one of your tires has a problem. It may be making an odd noise or behaving oddly when you're driving. You may hit a pothole or curb and one suddenly goes flat. Or you may head back to your vehicle and discover it has one tire deflated without a cl... More

Timing is Everything (Timing Cover Replacement)
July 21, 2024
Theres an important part in your vehicle that shields your timing belt, timing chain or cam belt from the debris and gunk that can be kicked up from the road. Its called the timing cover. Its important because the timing belt or chain is what coordinates parts of your engine called the camshaft... More

Oil's Well That Ends Well (Oil Change Grades and Weight)
July 14, 2024
Changing your oil regularly is one of the most important things you can do to keep your vehicle running well. And knowing the right type of oil to use is also very important. Engine oil is classified by weight, but it doesn't refer to how much the oil would weigh if you put it on a scale. It r... More

Full Stop (Brake Master Cylinder Replacement)
July 7, 2024
When you step on your brake pedal, you want to feel confident that your vehicles going to stop. If your brakes arent working right, its a risk to your safety and the safety of others on the road. After all, youre driving a machine that weighs thousands of pounds, and you have to be able to stop... More